Ah ha, so pro-choicers finally decide to give anti-choicers a taste of their own medicine. According to The Crisis Project website, they are "a youth led movement that is committed to advancing social justice by exposing threats to human rights. By utilizing new media and investigative journalism we illuminate an invisible crisis in this country -- Americans are systematically denied access to both their legal rights and to accurate information because of the coercive and manipulative nature of regressive political and social ideologies." To The Crisis Project I say, "BRAVO!" (Like their Facebook page and follow them on Twitter.)
The Crisis Project must be a response to LiveAction, an anti-choice group that often releases undercover videos in Planned Parenthood clinics.You may remember LiveAction releasing a video about sex selective abortion counseling in a Planned Parenthood clinic in May. Check out my blog post here about that particular video.
Last legislative session in Texas, the family planning budget was reduced from $111 million down to just $38 million. Some of this funding was diverted to crisis pregnancy centers that provide pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, diapers, clothing, and counseling on parenting and personal finance. They are not required to have medical staff, however obstetricians and nurses donate their time to offer ultrasounds.
Let's be clear that this funding was diverted from women's annual exams, STI testing, birth control, and other preventative care to religiously backed crisis pregnancy centers that refer out for the aforementioned services.
As a future social worker, I am appalled that state funding would promote judgmental and directive counseling. I am ethically bound to promote social justice, integrity, and competence. My field respects the client's own interests and their own self determination. I am responsible to help them review ALL OF THEIR CHOICES and help identify and clarify their goals.
If you care about women's health and respect a woman's ability to make a choice about what's right for her own family, you can donate to Planned Parenthood here. Or if you want to support equal access to abortion you can donate to the Lilith Fund here.