Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Seeing Red Rally and Planned Parenthood's Final Bus Tour Stop March 13, 2012

PLEASE take 2 minutes out of your life to call Rick Perry's Opinion Hotline at 1-800-252-9600. Don't know what to say? I made a little script for my call that I'm happy to share.

Governor Perry,

My name is ___________ and I'm from ___________, Texas. I am calling in regards to the defunding of the Medicaid Women's Health Program. Texas is about to reject 35 million dollars in federal funds for preventative care because YOU don't want Planned Parenthood to receive any money. Medicaid law requires that patients have the right to choose their provider. We both know that Texas does not have the 35 million to cover the lost federal funds like you have promised. It is also evident that Medicaid providers can not handle the influx of 44% of the program's patients that will lose access when Planned Parenthood is excluded. Please reconsider your decision to defund the Women's Health Program.

Seeing Red Rally
This weeks Seeing Red Rally was way bigger!

The best part of rallies are the signs, and really they explain what's happening better than any summary I could come up with.

Second-wave sign

VRJ Prez, Liz

Rocking the "controversial" Doonesbury comics. (Has anyone been paying attention? If people are offended by the comics, why aren't they offended by the LAWS?)


"Rhymes for the win," as this nice young lady says.


My mom says the same thing.

Please, and thank you.

Right? How is denying access to preventative/life saving health care pro-life?

"Roll over Rick Perry, we gotta probe for you."

I would have opted not to post this picture if I didn't see that little girl smiling and banging pans later. I think her pissed off face adds a little something special. DON'T MESS WITH MY MOM!

The last amazing thing that happened at this rally is I met the mysterious author of the Keep Your Boehner Out Of My Uterus! This blog is fantastic, and I highly recommend it as a regular read. 

Planned Parenthood Final Bus Tour Stop
This is what I saw when I came back to The Capitol later.

Liz and I held this sign through the rally.

Let me just say, Representative Dawna Dukes is my new hero. By far the best speech of the night.

Liz and me after the rally.

KVUE News Report on Planned Parenthood's Final Bus Tour Stop.

Texas Tribune on What's Next for Texas' Women's Health Program.

Planned Parenthood's Bus Tour Tumblr.

The Texas Independent: Rule Excluding Planned Parenthood from Medicaid Program Takes Effect Today

Lilith Fund Bowl-a-Thon
Like what I'm doing and want to support? Please consider making a donation to my Lilith Fund Bowl-a-Thon Fundraiser. By raising money, I am filling a vital health care gap by helping women pay for abortion care, emergency contraception, options counseling, child care during abortion procedures, and transportation costs to clinics. I'm supporting our community members when they need me the most.

After interning at Whole Woman's Health, I am very aware of how helpful the Lilith Fund is. Their donations are made on a sliding income scale.

My goal as of now is $100, but I'd love to blow that out of the water. PLEASE MAKE A DONATION! Hugs will be aplenty. 

Other Links

Tell Governor Perry: Don't Mess with Texas Women. Sign the petition!

RSVP to the War on Women Rally April 28th at the Capitol.

Doonesbury Comic Strips about Texas abortion laws.

Donate to my abortion fundraiser

Jezebel: Hillary Clinton Urges Women Not to Take Any Shit

UT's Sexual Health Educator has an interview with CycleBeads.

Sir Richards: Sluts Unite

Please "Like" the Voices for Reproductive Justice Facebook page!

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