So, this is probably the coolest thing that has happened to me so far in my life. IT IS A SIGNED LETTER FROM CECILE RICHARDS! HOLY SHIT! It took me awhile to receive it because it got mailed to Liz's house. Anyway, I was pretty stoked.
African American Culture Committee (AACC)
I met someone named Iriel from AACC when VRJ was tabling on West Mall last Tuesday. She was pubbing for a lecture by Brian White titled "Navigating the Business of Success: How to Build a Career of Value," and somehow we got to talking about VRJ tabling at the event. Iriel invited me to the AACC meeting to further discuss the opportunity and register their committee members to vote.
On Wednesday at 5pm in SAC 2.120 I did just that! Unfortunately VRJ will not be able to table at the event, but I registered two people to vote and am considering myself a new member of their student org. THE MEETING WAS SO FUN. Let's go together next Wednesday.
AACC Presents: "Navigating the Business of Success: How to Build a Career of Value"
AACC Facebook Group
AACC Twitter
Condom Couture
After the AACC meeting (we're going next week, right?) I went to FACE AIDS: Condom Couture.
VRJ tabling: me, Megan
Dominique from C.A.R.E Program doing a female condom demo.
These aren't all of the models (dangit) but here are the ones I got a picture of.
1st place!
STI Testing
On Thursday, HSPEs helped host the free STI testing at UT. If you didn't get tested last Thursday, there is still time! Come to the SSB Glen Maloney Room on Thursday, April 26 from 10am-4pm. IT'S FREE, Y'ALL.
Voices for Reproductive Justice GYT Pub Crawl
Come hang out with VRJ this Friday night from 8pm-11pm. We will be passing out condoms and literature on getting tested, and drinking. I don't know what else someone could ask for in a Friday night, for real. (Must be 21+ to attend.)
Updated Post on Andrew Bernstein (barf) Lecture
Megan wrote a great recap on the Andrew Bernstein lecture that the Objectivism Society hosted on April 11.
Check it out here.
War on Women Rally
Alright, so the time has finally come for the War on Women Rally. Here is a little feminist tune to set the tone. (Thousands of people will be at this rally... you really must come.)
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